Sunday 8 am Mara Morell and Chelsea Manganaro- Opening Class - In front of wave pool
Class: As we start this Sunday of our 2023 Yogafest, come experience our deep connection to friendship, to yoga, to community & abundance. Together we bring the challenge of a powerful asana practice, with deep moments of meditation, pranayama and introspective body-mind-spirit awareness.
Sunday 9 am Susan Morelock- Finding Your Light - In front of wave pool
Classes: "Finding Your Light: All Levels Flow"
Class Description: This all-levels vinyasa class will build movement, heat, and light from the ground up. Together, we’ll link our breath with our movement to find space, length, and a sense of radiance from within.
Sunday 10 am Brennan Morell- Buti - In front of wave pool
Classes: "Buti
Class Description: Sweat, Shake, Laugh & Embrace the beauty that is YOU!
Ignite your inner Shakti!
Sunday 11 am Andrea McDonough - Anusara-inspired Align + Flow - In front of wave poo
Classes: "Anusara-inspired™ Align + Flow"
Class Description: Anusara, a school of Hatha yoga, is a heart centered practice with a firm foundation in alignment. Enjoy a traditional sequence that includes learning the Invocation, pranayama, a mixed-level sequence, and meditation.Depending on the time the session is offered, I'll adapt to meet the needs of festival- goers. The basic principles of Anusara will be covered (open to grace, invocation, basic alignment), pranayama and meditation. We will flow a bit with the potential to invite in some arm balancing, depending on the group + time of day.
Sunday 12 pm Claudine Schuster- Radical Rocking Vinyasa - In front of wave pool
Classes: "Radical Rocking Vinyasa"
Class Description: Radical Rockin' Vinyasa class is a fast paced and energetic flow with Alternative 80s Rock! A full body journey of motion and breathe combined with a in a fun upbeat class
Sunday 1 pm Elena Dibiase- Gentle vinyasa all levels flow In front of wave pool
Classes: "Gentle vinyasa all levels flow"
Class Description: A gentle vinyasa all levels yoga flow promoting a mind body connection using the breathe to integrate movement.
Sunday 2 pm Madison Heaton- Playful Flow - In front of wave pool
Classes: "Playful Flow"
Class Description: Move with grace and ease during Playful Flow with Madison. Nuture your inner child and explore new transitions through creative, heart-opening, laughter-filled sequencing.
Sunday 3 pm Mandie Schreck- Sukha Flow - In front of wave pool
Classes: "Sukha Flow"
Class Description: Find your Sukha in this fun and blissful flow! Sukha means joy and bliss, and the more we move and experience connection with our breath, mind, body, and spirit, the more we can find our blissful joy. Take some time to connect with what makes you joyous and let go of whatever does not serve you!
Sunday 4 pm Rebecca Biagioli- Happy Hips Vinyasa Flow - In front of wave pool
Classes: "Happy Hips Vinyasa Flow"
Class Description: This class is a Vinyasa flow with a focus on the hips. Open up the hips, while connecting breath, body, & mind.
Sunday 8 am Tom Gilmore - Virtual Morning Yin Yoga - in the Lodge
Tom has never missed a festival, and it just felt extremely strange to see the schedule without his name on it. Tom was a huge supporter of yoga and of this festival from the second Chelsea thought of it. Tom was a wonderful person who introduced yoga to so many, his students will continue to spread his words and love for years.
One good thing that came out of the pandemic, we recorded a few of toms classes and will be playing two at the event.
Classes: "Virtual Yin"
A portion of Yoga Fest Profits will be donated to research for Prostate Cancer.
Learn more from Chelsea Blog Post here:
Sunday 9 am Allie O’Kane: Kundalini Conscious Momentum in the heat of the moment - in lodge
Classes: "Karmic transformation from the power within"
Class Description: Shed your karmas as a snake sheds off the skin. If you want to get out of your karma, there is only one way and the only way out is to go within. you don’t have to move through life weighed down by your own self-created obstacles. every action has a reaction, every sequence has a consequence, and every cause has an effect. use your own internal awareness to create calculated consequences that will push you ahead this year. begin the process of wiping away previous karmas up to this point. this is the first and most fundamental step to changing the trajectory of your life. once the channel has been clear, you will be in a position of power to become the conscious creator of your past, present, and future.
Sunday 10 am Scott Jacoby- Intro to arm balancing - in lodge
Class Description:
Sunday 11 am Natasha Nixon and John Thorpe- Acroyoga FUNdamentals - in lodge
Classes: "Acroyoga FUNdamentals with Natasha Nixon & John Thorpe"
Class Description: Lift or be lifted - it’s your choice. Come play and make new friends while learning foundational acro poses and transitions. Safe spotting techniques will be shown to make this class appropriate for all levels. No acro experience? - Great! We will discuss foundational techniques that will help jump start your practice including counter balancing, joint stacking, and communication. You’ve done acro before? – Cool! We will challenge you by offering progressions and trickier transitions while refining your foundations. Our only prereq – come with the intention of having FUN!
Sunday 12 pm Lisa Molendini- Stevie Wibes Only: Fleetwood Flow - in lodge
Classes: "Stevie Vibes Only: Fleetwood Flow"
Class Description: The rest of the day you can Go Your Own Way, but now it's time to grab your favorite shawl, shine up your tambourine, and join me on your mat for a Landslide of an all-levels vinyasa flow set to the timeless tunes of the legendary Gold Dust Woman!
Sunday 1 pm Aubrey Waz-Grant- Who Am I Really? A Flow of Self-Connection in the Lodge
Class Description: Join me for one hour using yoga to learn how to connect to your body. Through slowing the flow down and experimenting with modifications (with provided props!), you will learn when your body is cueing a threat and when it is cueing a reward and skills to respond to both on and off your mat. This is an all levels class with a combination of flow time and guided experimentation time!
2 pm Amber Villanueva- Dance Movement cardio and strengthening in the Lodge
Classes: "Upbeat yoga flow/ Dance Movement cardio and strengthening"
Class Description: Upbeat yoga flow: Yoga with fast upbeat movement and fast flow continuous strengthening and lengthening class. Movement cardio: fast pace dance movement heavy class get moving and heartbeat going to great tunes!
Sunday 3 pm Sharon Klinger- HMR fit. Strengthen and Roll to Reduce Pain and Stress in the Lodge
Sunday 4 pm Closing of the festival meditation and ceremony with Mara and Chelsea in the Lodge
Class: Closing Group circle with Chelsea & Mara in a sacred circle as we offer our blessing to the closing of Yogafest 2023.
Under the energy of the meditation tent we will chant our
Festival mantra Om Sharve Bhavantu 108 sacred times.
Honoring the energy of the space, soul energy of all who attended & embrace the energy of those that transitioned from this space.
We will end with a sacred smoke cleansing, offer our blessings, hold space for silent connection and end with gratitude & thanks.
As always, after closing ceremony we sit and enjoy each others festival stories, highlights, etc - hug, maybe cry & set intention for reconnection in 2024❤️
Next to the lodge
Sunday 9 am Jessica Ellis- Vin Yin Tarot - Next to the lodge.
This class will be challenging in the beginning but i will be giving out advanced/ beginner modifications plus hands on assist if wanted/needed. I will also pull tarot cards to distract yogis of the difficulty level. I will make sure that beginners are fully entertained. I will concentrate on every level from beginner to intermediate. I will do the yoga poses while instructing and giving visual representations. I will also give a great mediation breath work in the beginning of the class.
Sunday 10 am Cameron Chemsak- Into the Vortex next to the Lodge
Class Description: Join Cam for a deeply relaxing yin yoga class mixed with reiki and elemental rhythm break work.
Sunday 11 am Alina Kuderska- Dharma Yoga next to the Lodge
Classes: "Dharma Yoga" and "Pranayama & Meditation to Open Spiritual Heart"
Class Description: Yoga/ Pilates on the mat with modifications for all body types!
Sunday 12 pm Michael DiSalvo- Poetry in Motion- Power Yoga next to the Lodge
Classes: "Poetry in Motion - Power Yoga"
Class Description: Mixing poetry and breath work along with a power flow of dynamic movements to increase flexibility, restore balance, and strengthen the body, this one hour class heightens focus, muscular endurance, and self-awareness.
Sunday 1 pm Samantha Oeser- Sequences of Balance next to the Lodge
Class Description: 4-5 different types of sequences all to test your balance! We will start with warming the body, and move into gentle balances, working towards all the sequences I’ve created. Each sequence will be done 3-4 times for best results, each sequence more challenging than the last. It will pack you full of energy, love, and strength!
Sunday 2 pm Colleen LaGasse- Full Body Release- Yin Yoga next to the Lodge
Class Description: In this practice we will take some time to slow down and let our bodies release, unwind and let go. This slow-paced meditative practice will consist of seated postures held for longer periods of time to target your deep connective tissue, fascia, ligaments, and bones; helping you learn to breathe through your discomfort and sit with your thoughts. Longer held postures allow fascia to release, lengthen connective tissue, increase flexibility, boost circulation and reduce stress levels. We will target all areas of the body within this class. Expect to leave feeling more open, spacious and relaxed. All levels are welcome!
Sunday 3 pm Nicole Yull- Heart Opening makes the heart smile next to the Lodge
Meet the Teacher: Nicole Yull
My name is Nicole Yull. I don't remember my first class at all. Not when it was or where. I've have been practicing yoga for about 10 years but it's probably more like 15. I started practicing regularly a few years ago. And by a few probably more like 5 or 6. There was no aha moment just an I like this stuff moment.
I decided to take a 200 hour training in 2019 to teach free outside classes. I have since then taken a 300hour training. I love being outside and want everyone else to love it as well. I want people to see the correlation between our practice on the mat off the mat. To show that all pants are yoga pants because yoga is mind, body and soul, ya Also don't take yourself so serious. Enjoy life."
Classes: "Heart opening makes the heart smile."
Class Description: An all are welcome class to let our heart shine through. Moving through the class and world with an open heart makes everything better.
Sunday 4 pm Jay Figard- Carpe Vitam Fitness Featuring DDPYoga- This Ain’t Your Mama’s Yoga! next to the Lodge
Classes: "Carpe Vitam Fitness Featuring DDPYoga - This Ain't Your Mama's Yoga!"
Class Description: Carpe Vitam means "Seize Life" and DDPY can help you do that! DDPY takes traditional yoga moves and combines sports rehab techniques with calisthenics and dynamic resistance to create both a fat burning and cardio workout. It is designed with modifications that allow anyone, regardless of age, physical fitness level, physical limitations or weight, to be able to get a full workout. Doing Yoga everyday can add years to your life. Doing DDPY can add life to those years!
Meditation Area Classes
Sunday 9 am Tiffani Boykin- Hips and Heart for Healers and Empaths at the Meditation Area
Class Description: Healers and empaths work in many fields. They serve and support others in so many ways. This class will allow you tap in to your inner support and release what you have taken in mentally, emotionally, and energetically. This class targets the hips where emotions may be stored and the heart where you naturally give of yourself. Mantras, mudras and movement are included in this session.
Sunday 10am Swami Chidananda - Om Chanting + Cultivating Clarity & Purpose at the Meditation Area
Class Description: Swami Chidananda is a spiritual educator and monk, holding the distinguished title of Swami.
He has spent the latter part of his life studying and teaching the science of the Bhagavad Gita and how it can help one attain a state of inner peace.
Don’t miss the opportunity to hear him speak on how the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita can help us shed the spiritual ego through Love, create purpose through being in the present moment, move beyond the duality of darkness and light, cultivate the power of equanimity, reframe success, and tune into the golden moments of our days.
Before the talk, we come together for an OM Chanting Circle. Through the cosmic vibration of OM, we make an impact for change, at times intangible but deeply transformative.
Sunday 11 am Jessica Ramirez- A Sacred Journey to Past lifetimes at the Meditation Area
Classes: "A Sacred Journey to Past Lifetimes"
Class Description: This highly experiential meditation workshop utilizes gentle regression therapy, guiding you to explore your past lifetimes and to connect inward with your truest, most beautiful self. Gain understanding of your path and current relationships with friends, family, and soulmates while accessing your higher self and guides leading you to enlightenment and healing. Experience this deeply rewarding journey, led by Jessica Ramirez. Jessica has been mentored and certified by Dr. Brian Weiss, a leader in the field of past-life therapy and NY Times best-selling author of Many Lives, Many Masters. This is an opportunity that you won't want to miss!
Sunday 12 pm Kailin Bouse- Grounding the Root Chakra at the Meditation Area
Classes: "Vinyasa and Sound Healing Meditation"
Class Description: This earthy yoga flow and sound meditation will connect you deeply with your Muladhara (root) chakra! Practice grounding, breath-aligned movements to anchor you into your body and root you down into the present moment. Experience a profoundly grounding meditation while being bathed by the healing tones of drums and gongs. Deep vibrations will penetrate all layers of you, grounding down your mind, body, and spirit, while rattling out stuck and dense energies. Together we will remember our divine connection to mother earth and explore our relationship with the natural world.
Sunday 1 pm Sabrina Ursaner- So you think you can’t meditate at the Meditation Area
Classes: "So You Think You Can't Meditate"
Class Description: This session is designed for anyone who has ever wanted to meditate but thought, "nope, I can't do it." Whether it's because your brain goes in a million directions and your thoughts race, or you can't sit still, don't have time, don't want to "do it wrong" (spoiler alert: there IS no wrong way), or you simply just don't know what to do or where to get started. Think of this as Meditation 101; Learning to Meditate; Meditation for Total Beginners. Learn some of the absolute basics about meditation and some easy practices that you can incorporate into daily life. I promise it'll be a game changer. For ANYONE who thinks they can't meditate, I'm here to prove you wrong! Come on, try me :)
Sunday 2pm Samantha Lynn Patterson - Restore and Replenish at the Meditation Area
Classes: "Restore and Replenish"
Class Description: A restorative practice that will gently warm your muscles, while introducing you to various relaxation techniques. Our movement will guide opening in the shoulders, spine and hips introducing more strength and flexibility for use in everyday life. Each class will have meditation and restorative poses designed to ease anxiety, trouble sleeping, or disruptions of the mind. Join us in the warm summer sun for a full mind-body connection immersed in the sounds of beautiful background music.
Sunday 3pm Marcia Knisely - Gentle Flow Fusion with Yin Yoga at the Meditation Area
Classes: "Gentle Flow Fusion with Yin Yoga"
Class Description: Gentle Flow Fusion with Yin Yoga will incorporate seated, standing, and reclining postures to promote a gentle flow. Yin Yoga will be infused into the practice allowing for longer, deeper, passive, connective asanas.